Policy Development
- Highland Valley Copper: Development of Aboriginal Consultation Strategy, April – May, 2012
- BC Hydro: Development and Delivery of First Nation Relations Skill Building Workshop, 2009 - 2010.
- BC Hydro: Consultant to Aboriginal and Community Relations, Remote Community Electrification, 2009.
- BC Hydro: Internal First Nations Advisor, Call for Power 2008. Led First Nation Risk Assessments for the 68 tendered Independent Power Producer projects, 2008 - 2009
- BC Hydro: Development and Delivery of First Nation Relationship Management Training Module, 2007 – 2010
- BC Hydro: Assessments of the Adequacy of First Nation Consultation, Various, 2008 – 2010
- BC Hydro: Aboriginal Contracting and Procurement Policy Advice, October 2007.
- Business Council of British Columbia: First Nation Consultation and Accommodation: A Business Perspective. A submission to the New Relationship Management Committee on behalf of ten Industry Associations, January 2007.
- BC Hydro: Internal First Nations Advisor, Call for Power 2006. Undertook First Nation risk assessments for the 53 tendered Independent Power Producer projects, 2006
- British Columbia Treaty Commission: Financial Disincentives to Treaty-Making, April 2005.
- Brascan Corporation: First Nation Strategy and Due Diligence regarding purchase of Weyerhaeuser Company Limited assets in Coastal British Columbia, January – May 2005. Value approximately $1.4 billion USD.
- BC Hydro: Due Diligence Process for Potential Acquisition of Columbia Power Corporation, Aboriginal Issues, October 2004 – March 2005. Value approximately $250 million, but sale not completed.
- BC Hydro: Aboriginal Negotiations Interface Model, December 2004.
- Business Council of British Columbia: Development of a major position paper on treaties and related matters, The British Columbia Treaty Process: A Road Map for Further Progress, June 2004.
- Métis Provincial Council of British Columbia: Development of the Constitution and Governance Model for the Métis Nation British Columbia, 2001 to September 2003.
- Musqueam First Nation: Community Consultation Development Strategy for treaty negotiations, December 2002, and Action Plan for Council, March 2003.
- The David Suzuki Foundation: Strategy for First Nation Engagement (towards the Turning Point Initiative), May - July 2000.