A Few Words from Our Clients and Colleagues
Dave was a principal architect of the First Nations strategy for TransCanada’s two LNG pipeline projects (Prince Rupert Gas Transmission and Coastal GasLink) in British Columbia; a strategy that has yielded unparalleled results in terms of the effectiveness of consultation and number of benefit agreements delivered.
- John Dunn, Vice President, Prince Rupert Gas Transmission, TransCanada Pipelines Limited
Dave Kennedy has an extensive background and experience in aboriginal relations. During the period that I was Director of Aboriginal Relations at BC Hydro Dave undertook a wide range of projects and initiatives; including working on Impact Benefit Agreements, setting up and implementing standards and processes for ensuring that IPPs had done adequate consultation with First Nations and developing and delivering training on managing First Nation relationships. - Lyle Viereck, Former Director of Aboriginal Relations, BC Hydro
During my time with the Business Council of BC Dave provided invaluable advice as business leaders engaged with First Nations communities and Aboriginal leaders. He researched and authored important papers on consultation and the treaty process that assisted Council members and senior staff in addressing and developing policy on emerging issues. His professional and experienced guidance was greatly appreciated.
- Jerry Lampert, Former President and CEO, Business Council of British Columbia
- Jerry Lampert, Former President and CEO, Business Council of British Columbia
In 2002 the Métis Provincial Council of BC decided to assert itself as the Métis Nation BC, which required us to design, develop and implement a new Constitution for the Métis in British Columbia. With the expertise of Dave Kennedy leading the Constitutional Engagement of the Métis Communities throughout the Seven Regions in the Province, Dave developed a Constitution and governance structure. In September of 2003 the Constitution was ratified in Nelson, BC at the Annual General Meeting. Thanks to Dave's work with the Métis Nation BC we had a Constitution to work with as a living document to build upon and from which flows our own Legislation through the Métis Nation Governing Assemblies and Annual General Assemblies. Today we are a Métis Nation BC Government.
- Bruce Dumont, President, Métis Nation British Columbia
- Bruce Dumont, President, Métis Nation British Columbia